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Mash Up Mondays
Monday, April 17, 2023 from 5:00PM-7:00PM
Location: Wingmman Kitchens - 1023 Springdale Road, Bldg. 1, Austin TX
Price: $50/per package
Are you a fan of Chopped? What about Top Chef?
Would you like to judge some food for a good cause?
Now's your chance!
We're introducing our Chef vs Chef experience courtesy of Wingman Kitchens. This will be call Mash Up Mondays where 2 chefs will collaborate for a charitable cause.
Chef Dan Castro and Chef Rene Helit will be introducing some of their best dishes! You will get a food package deal of 2 entrees with 1 collaborative dessert. You will indulge into both chef's flavors and choose which you believe has the best taste. You're the judge! You decide the winner!
Each package can be preordered here and picked up/dined at Wingman Kitchen. We'll make sure you have a bottle of water to freshen up those taste buds! $50/order and for every order, $10 will be donated to our selected charitable cause.
Currently we've decided to donate our proceeds to a fundraiser happening the same day for
Chef Brian Price. He is a chef in the same industry space as Chef Dan and Rene. He is currently battling a rare illness that kills his eyes. Currently one eye has gone blind, and the infection is spreading to the next eye. As there is no cure for this, we would love to give our gratitude and assist and help him combat this with hopes doctors can find a proper cure.
Click here for more information on his GoFundMe!
$50 per order:
2 Entrees to indulge in and judge + 1 dessert to share.
Please click order now to place an order! We'll see you on April 17th!
*Disclaimer: All orders must be picked up by 7PM that evening. There are no refunds for any orders that were not picked up.*
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